Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
Scheduling Support Mechanisms for Autonomous, Heterogeneous, Distributed Systems
Advisor: Dewan
PhD Thesis:
Access Control for Collaborative Environments
Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
Classification and Detection of Computer Intrusions
Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
On the Modeling, Design, and Implementation of Firewall Technology
Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
PhD Thesis: Computer Vulnerability Analysis
Advisor: Brodley
PhD Thesis:
Machine learning techniques for the computer security domain of anomaly detection
Advisor: Raskin
PhD Thesis:
Complex events in an ontological-semantic natural language processing system
Advisor: Atallah
PhD Thesis:
A study of several specific secure two-party computation problems
Advisor: Weiner
PhD Thesis:
Direct space-to-time pulse shaping for ultrafast optical waveform generation
Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
Using internal sensors for computer intrusion detection
Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
Reference models for the concealment and observation of origin identity in store-and-forward networks
Advisor: Grama
PhD Thesis:
Comparative analysis of biological networks
Advisor: Wagstaff
PhD Thesis:
An Extension of the Dickman Function and its Application
Advisor: Palsberg
PhD Thesis:
Type Matching and Type Inference for Object-Oriented Systems
PhD Thesis:
Static checking of interrupt-driven software
Advisor: Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Dissertation: "Building Self-Protecting Software with Active and Passive Defenses"
Advisor: Chaturvedi/Mehta
PhD Thesis:
Essays in information security
Advisor: Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
Monitoring and controlling QOS network domains: An edge-to-edge approach
Advisor: Raskin
PhD Thesis:
Paronomasic puns: Target recoverability towards automatic generation
Advisor: Ghafoor
PhD Thesis:
A generalized temporal role based access control model for developing secure systems
Advisor: Meunier
PhD Thesis:
Search tools for Internet2
Advisor: Weiner
PhD Thesis:
Direct space-to-time pulse shaping and applications in arbitrary electromagnetic waveform generation
Advisor: Chong Siegel
PhD Thesis:
Efficient primitives for ensuring security in e-commerce transactions
Advisor: Chong Siegel
PhD Thesis:
Multicriteria routing for guaranteed performance communications
Advisor: Meunier
PhD Thesis:
A method for reusing Web browsing experience to enhance Web information retrieval
Advisor: Shields
PhD Thesis:
Abstractions and efficient implementation of automatically reconfigurable network testbeds
Advisor: Rogers
PhD Thesis:
Emotion reassociation as a prejudice reduction mechanism
Advisor: Wagstaff
PhD Thesis:
Square form factorization
Advisor: Elmagarmid
PhD Thesis:
Query processing in stream database systems
Advisor: Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
A framework for cost-effective peer-to-peer content distribution
Advisor: Mehta
PhD Thesis:
Essays on privacy and the value of information in adverse selection markets
Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
A categorization of computer security monitoring systems and the impact on the design of audit sources
Advisor: Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
Adaptive and heterogeneous mobile wireless networks
Advisor: Palsberg
PhD Thesis:
Bounding the Stack Size of Interrupt-driven Programs
Advisor: Hosking/Vitek
PhD Thesis:
Crusoe: Towards a multicomputer execution environment for Java
Advisor: Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Rights assessment for discrete digital data
Advisor: Atallah/Clifton
PhD Thesis:
Privacy preserving data mining over vertically partitioned data
Advisor: Botan
PhD Thesis:
Building and maintaining relationships online: A framework for analyzing the public relations website experience
Advisor: Proctor
PhD Thesis:
Influences of a prior incompatible location mapping on tasks for which stimulus location is irrelevant
Advisor: Spaf
PhD Thesis:
Pervasive binding of labels to system processes
Advisor: Nita Rotaru
PhD Thesis:
Coverage problems in wireless sensor and RFID systems
Advisor: Brodley/Spafford
PhD Thesis:
Behavioral feature extraction for network anomaly detection
Advisor: Elmagarid/Houstis/Verikos
PhD Thesis:
Online periodicity mining
Advisor: Givan
PhD Thesis:
Learning models and formulas of a temporal event logic
Advisor: Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Secure and private online collaboration
Advisor: Szpankowski/Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Reliable identification of significant sets of episodes in event sequences
Advisor: Grama
PhD Thesis:
Algorithms and data structures for IP lookups
Advisor: Clifton
PhD Thesis:
Privacy-preserving distributed data mining and processing on horizontally partitioned data
Advisor: Mazumdar Coyle Rosenberg
PhD Thesis:
Scheduling and MAC protocols for wireless networks
Advisor: Delp
PhD Thesis:
Video and image watermark synchronization
Advisor: Raskin
PhD Thesis:
Digital identity management domain for ontological semantics: Domain acquistion methodology and practice
Advisor: Raskin Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Extending ontological semantics for the domain of tourism: The case of Egypt as a destination
Advisor: Anderson
PhD Thesis:
An investigation of the relationships among perceptions of parenting, level of self-control, and sexual outcomes for adolescents
Advisor: Li
PhD Thesis:
A theory based on security analysis for comparing the expressive power of access control models
Advisor: Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
Securing wireless network topology and routing
Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
CuPIDS: Increasing information system security through the use of dedicated co-processing
Advisor: Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
Formalization of dynamic trust and uncertain evidence for user authorization
Advisor: Ghafoor/Bertino/Li
PhD Thesis:
A policy engineering framework for federated access management
Advisor: Spafford/Brodley
PhD Thesis:
Network covert channels: Design, analysis, detection, and elimination
Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
A hypothesis-based approach to digital forensic investigations
Advisor: Brodley/Shields
PhD Thesis:
Practical runtime identification of program errors
Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
Improving software assurance using lightweight static analysis
Advisor: Vitek/Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Expressive type systems for object-oriented languages
Advisor: Yau/Xu
PhD Thesis:
Enabling Internet worms and malware investigation and defense using virtualization
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Security mechanisms for content distribution networks
Advisor: Wagstaff
PhD Thesis:
Elliptic curve factoring method via FFTs with division polynomials
Advisor: Atallah/Li
PhD Thesis:
Privacy enhanced automated trust negotiation
Advisor: Ghafoor
PhD Thesis:
Scalable and effective test generation for access control systems
Advisor: Ghafoor/Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Access control management and security in multi-domain collaborative environments
Advisor: Raskin
PhD Thesis:
The ontology of emotion
Advisor: Weiner
PhD Thesis:
Reconfigurable direct space-to-time pulse shaping
Advisor: Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Key management in hierarchical access control systems
Advisor: Li/Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Toward privacy-preserving database management systems --- Access control and data anonymization
Advisor: Spafford/Brodley
PhD Thesis:
An examination of user behavior for user re-authentication
Advisor: Bagchi
PhD Thesis:
Mitigation of control and data traffic attacks in wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks
Advisor: Xu
PhD Thesis:
Adaptive virtual distributed environments for shared cyberinfrastructures
Advisor: Ghafoor/Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Secure collaboration in mediator-free environments
Advisor: Wagstaff
PhD Thesis:
Finite fields of low characteristic in elliptic curve cryptography
Advisor: Bertino/Spafford
PhD Thesis:
Protocols and systems for privacy preserving protection of digital identity
Advisor: Wagstaff
PhD Thesis:
Dynamic cryptographic hash functions
Advisor: Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Information security applications of natural language processing techniques
Advisor: Atallah/Nita-Rotaru
PhD Thesis:
New designs for improving the efficiency and resilience of natural language watermarking
Advisor: Fahmy
PhD Thesis:
A device independent router model: From measurements to simulations
Advisor: Brodley
PhD Thesis:
A multi-layer approach towards high-performance wireless mesh networks
Advisor: Clifton
PhD Thesis:
Incentive-driven and privacy-preserving collaborative computing
Advisor: Park
PhD Thesis:
Memory Balancing For Large-scale Network Simulation In Power-law Networks
Advisor: Sypher
PhD Thesis:
The social structure and construction of privacy in sociotechnological realms
Advisor: Elliott
PhD Thesis:
Design and evaluation of the Human-Biometric Sensor Interaction Method
Advisor: Elliott/Latif
PhD Thesis:
Analysis of Fingerprint Sensor Interoperability on System Performance
Advisor: Clifton/Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Anonymization-based privacy protection
Advisor: Ghafoor
PhD Thesis:
Specification, Composition, and Applications of Spatio-Temporal Role Based Access Control Model
Advisor: Rogers
PhD Thesis:
Effects of anonymity, pre-employment integrity and antisocial behavior on self-reported cyber crime engagement: An exploratory study
Advisor: Li
PhD Thesis:
Analysis of access control policies in operating systems
Advisor: Nita-Rotaru
PhD Thesis:
Secure and robust communication in wireless mesh networks
Advisor: Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Rank aggregation techniques for context-aware database management systems
Advisor: Rogers/Raskin-MS/Raskin/Boyd-PhD
PhD Thesis:
Privacy, surveillance and the Real ID Act
Advisor: Delp
PhD Thesis:
Forensic characterization of image capture devices
Advisor: Li, N.
PhD Thesis:
Improving real-world access control systems by identifying the true origins of a request
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Efficient query processing for rich and diverse real-time data
Advisor: Xu
PhD Thesis:
Architectural approaches for code injection defense at the user and kernel levels
Advisor: Wagstaff
PhD Thesis:
Low genus algebraic curves in cryptography
Advisor: Prabhakar, Nita Rotaru
PhD Thesis:
Database support for uncertain data
Advisor: Li
PhD Thesis:
Access control policy management
PhD Thesis:
Essays on information security from an economic perspective
Advisor: Bagchi
PhD Thesis:
Achieving high survivability in distributed systems through automated response
Advisor: Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
Analysis of port scanning attacks
Advisor: Yau
PhD Thesis:
Efficient and robust solutions for sensor network detection and localization
Advisor: Mathur, Aditya
PhD Thesis:
Characterizing and aggregating attack graph-based security metric
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Mechanisms for database intrusion detection and response
Advisor: Ness Shroff
PhD Thesis:
Analysis and design of intersession network coding in communication networks
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Data in the cloud: Authentication without leaking
Advisor: Rees
PhD Thesis:
Essays on information risk management in electronic markets
Advisor: Li
PhD Thesis:
Privacy preservation in data publishing and sharing
Advisor: Yau
PhD Thesis:
Mobility in mobile sensor networks: A study of sensing performance and privacy
Advisor: Li, N.
PhD Thesis:
Automatic migration to role based access control
Advisor: Clifton
PhD Thesis:
Privacy through deniable search
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Privacy-aware role based access control
Advisor: Bagchi
PhD Thesis:
Remote reprogramming of wireless sensor networks
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Exam: An environment for XACML policy analysis and management
Advisor: Bagchi
PhD Thesis:
Analytical characterization of internet security attacks
Advisor: Nita Rotaru
PhD Thesis:
A platform for creating efficient, robust, and resilient peer-to-peer systems
Advisor: Rees
PhD Thesis:
Nudging the digital pirate: Piracy and the conversion of pirates to paying customers
Advisor: Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Practical automatic determination of causal relationships in software execution traces
Advisor: Bagchi
PhD Thesis:
Improving Internet Infrastructure: BGP Predictability and Cloud DNS Performance
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Trusted enforcement of contextual access control
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Accountability for grid computing systems
Advisor: Xu
PhD Thesis:
Reverse engineering of data structures from binary
Advisor: Wagstaff
PhD Thesis:
Several problems in number theory
Advisor: Prabhakar
PhD Thesis:
Efficient query processing for uncertain data
Advisor: Xu
PhD Thesis:
Data-centric approaches to kernel malware defense
Advisor: Rogers
PhD Thesis:
The role of individual differences in predicting the type of images collected by internet child pornography consumers
Advisor: Vitek
PhD Thesis:
Accommodative mandatory access control
Advisor: Rao
PhD Thesis:
Measurement-driven Characterization of Emerging Trends in Internet Content Delivery
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Ensemble Classification Techniques for Relational Domains
Advisor: Luo
PhD Thesis:
Differentiation of cancer cells in 2D and 3D breast cancer models by Raman spectroscopy
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Privacy Risk and Scalability of Differentially-Private Data Anonymization
Advisor: Mathur, Aditya
PhD Thesis:
Engineering Efficient Event-Based Distribution Systems
Advisor: Rogers
PhD Thesis:
Cyber warfare as a form of conflict: Evaluation of models of cyber conflict as a prototype to conceptual analysis
Advisor: Bertino, Eugster
PhD Thesis:
Privacy Preserving Access Control on Third-Party Data Management Systems
Advisor: Nita-Rotaru
PhD Thesis:
Security and Economic Implication of Localizing Traffic in Overlay Networks
Advisor: Dark
PhD Thesis:
An Agent-Based Model for Navigation Simulation in a Heterogeneous Environment
Advisor: Bagchi, Shroff
PhD Thesis:
Algorithms for distributed monitoring in multi-channel ad hoc wireless networks
Advisor: Rao, Sanjay
PhD Thesis:
A systematic approach for migrating enterprise networks
Advisor: Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
Autonomous Agents-Based Mobile-Cloud Computing
Advisor: Matson
PhD Thesis:
A theoretical secure enterprise architecture for multi revenue generating smart grid sub electric infrastructure
Advisor: Bagchi
PhD Thesis:
Secure Configuration of Intrusion Detection Sensors for Dynamic Enterprise-Class Distributed Systems
Advisor: Ghafoor
PhD Thesis:
Mining roles and access control for relational data under privacy and accuracy constraints
Advisor: Li, N.
PhD Thesis:
Differentially private data publishing: From histograms to transaction sets
Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
Improved Kernel Security Through Code Validation, Diversification, and Minimization
Advisor: Xiangyu Zhang
PhD Thesis:
Automatic Failure Inducing Chain Computation through Aligned Execution Comparison
Advisor: Eugster
PhD Thesis:
Lightweight tracing for wireless sensor networks diagnostics
Advisor: Bagchi
PhD Thesis:
Failure characterization and error detection in distributed web applications
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Privacy in Social Messaging and Identity Management
Advisor: DeLaurentis
Advisor: Ninghui Li
PhD Thesis:
Leveraging machine learning for security related decision making
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Secure platforms for enforcing contextual access control
Advisor: Prabhakar
PhD Thesis:
Trustworthy data from untrusted databases
Advisor: Clifton
PhD Thesis:
Achieving practical differential privacy
Advisor: Killian
PhD Thesis:
Automated performance attack discovery in distributed system implementations
Advisor: Jennifer Neville
PhD Thesis:
Network hypothesis testing for relational data
Advisor: Nita-Rotaru
PhD Thesis:
Data-driven approaches to improve dependability of cloud services
Advisor: Rego
PhD Thesis:
Synthetic Steganography: Methods for Generating and Detecting Covert Channels in Generated Media
Advisor: Ghafoor
PhD Thesis:
Digital Provenance - Models, Systems, and Applications
Advisor: Clifton
PhD Thesis:
Rational multiparty computation
Advisor: Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Secure and private outsourcing to untrusted cloud servers
Advisor: Fahmy
PhD Thesis:
Enhancing Trustworthiness and Reliability of Wireless Sensor Networks while Reducing Energy Consumption
Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
Using Deception to Enhance Security: A Taxonomy, Model, and Novel Uses
Advisor: Ghafoor
PhD Thesis:
Risk-aware virtual resource management for access controlled cloud data centers
Advisor: Proctor
Advisor: Xu
PhD Thesis:
Binary Instrumentation and Transformation for Software Security Applications
Advisor: Xu
PhD Thesis:
Securing Virtualized System via Active Protection
Advisor: DeLaurentis
Advisor: Nita-Rotaru
PhD Thesis:
Ensuring specification compliance, robustness, and security of wireless network protocols
Advisor: Dyrenfurth
PhD Thesis:
An Approach to Near Field Data Selection in Radio Frequency Identification
Advisor: Bagchi
PhD Thesis:
Dependability where the Mobile World Meets the Enterprise World
Advisor: DeLaurentis
Advisor: Pai
Advisor: Feng Li (
Advisor: Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
Cross-Domain Data Dissemination And Policy Enforcement
Advisor: Dark
PhD Thesis:
The Impact of Mobile Network Forensics Evidence on the Criminal Case Processing Performance in Macedonia: An Institutional Analysis Study
Advisor: Bagchi
PhD Thesis:
Software and Hardware Approaches for Record and Replay of Wireless Sensor Networks
Advisor: Clifton
PhD Thesis:
Privacy-preserving Social Network Analysis
Advisor: Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
End-to-end security in service-oriented architecture
Advisor: Dietz/Cleveland
PhD Thesis:
Computational Environment for Modeling and Analysing Network Traffic Behaviour using the Divide and Recombine Framework
Advisor: Luo
PhD Thesis:
A study of security issues of mobile apps in the android platform using machine learning approaches
Advisor: Spafford/Raskin-MS/ Taylor/Raskin-PhD
PhD Thesis:
Knowledge Modeling of Phishing Emails
Advisor: Dietz
PhD Thesis:
The Application of Natural Language Processing to Open Source Intelligence for Ontology Development in the Advanced Persistent Threat Domain
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Security Techniques for Sensor Systems and the Internet of Things
Advisor: Spafford/Rogers
PhD Thesis:
Gap Analysis Identifying the Current State of Information Security within Organizations Working with Victims of Violence
Advisor: Xu
PhD Thesis:
Convicted by Memory: Automatically Recovering Spatial-Temporal Evidence from Memory Images
Advisor: Eugster
PhD Thesis:
Securing Cloud-Based Data Analytics" A Practical Approach
Advisor: N. Li
PhD Thesis:
Differentially private data publishing for data analysis
Advisor: Raskin/Taylor
PhD Thesis:
Packet Filter Performance Monitor (Anti-DDoS Algorithm for Hybrid Topologies)
Advisor: Saurabh Baghci
PhD Thesis:
Improving The Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems Under Strategic Adversaries
Advisor: Li, Ninghui
PhD Thesis:
Improving the Eco-System of Passwords
Advisor: Clifton
PhD Thesis:
A Provenance-Aware Multi-Dimensional Reputation System For Online Rating Systems
Advisor: Bagchi/Spafford
PhD Thesis:
The Application of Deception to Software Security Patching
Advisor: Payer
PhD Thesis:
Compiler-based Mitigations of Vulnerabilities in Systems Software
Advisor: Hwang
PhD Thesis:
High Assurance Control of Cyber-Physical Systems with Application to Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Advisor: Bagchi, Spafford
PhD Thesis:
Deceptive Memory Systems
Advisor: Sundaram
PhD Thesis:
Impacts of Game-Theoretic and Behavioral Decision-Making on the Robustness and Security of Shared Systems and Network
Advisor: Xu
PhD Thesis:
Protecting Production Systems from Performance Anomalies
Advisor: Clifton
PhD Thesis:
Data Classification for l-diversity
Advisor: Elisa Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Applications of Secure Context-Aware Systems in Enterprise Environments
Advisor: Rao
PhD Thesis:
Scalable Redundant Proxy Execution for Low-Latency Web Over Cellular Networks
Advisor: Yang
PhD Thesis:
Digital Forensics and Security Vulnerabilities in GPU
Advisor: Goins
PhD Thesis:
On the Computation and Composition of Belyiˇ Maps and Dessins D'enfants
Advisor: Payer
PhD Thesis:
Taking Back Control: Closing the Gap Between C/C++ and Machine Semantics
Advisor: Elliott MS; Dark PhD
PhD Thesis:
The relationships of social cognitive career theory factors and cybersecurity research self-efficacy.
Advisor: Caldwell
PhD Thesis:
Improving Information Alignment and Distributed Coordination for Secure Information Supply Chains
Advisor: Nita-Rotaru
PhD Thesis:
Analysis and Automated Discovery of Attacks in Transport Protocols
PhD Thesis:
Quantum Annealing for Solving Optimization Problems
Advisor: Xiangyu Zhang
PhD Thesis:
Combatting Advanced Persistent Threat Via Causality Inference and Program Analysis
Advisor: Dietz
PhD Thesis:
Measuring the State of Indiana's Cybersecurity
Advisor: Kate
PhD Thesis:
Credit Network Payment Systems: Security, Privacy, and Decentralization
Advisor: Taylor
PhD Thesis:
Towards Ontology-Based Phishing Detection
Advisor: Bertino
Advisor: Durresi
PhD Thesis:
A Trust Management Framework for Decision Support Systems
Advisor: Dark
PhD Thesis:
Comparing Learning Gains in Cryptography Concepts Taught Using Different Instructional Conditions and Measuring Cognitive Processing Activity of Cryptography Concepts
Advisor: Chris Clifton
PhD Thesis:
Assumption-Driven Design
Advisor: Atallah, Panchal
Advisor: Ninghui Li and Aniket Kate
Advisor: Bagchi
PhD Thesis:
Protecting Bare-metal Systems from Remote Exploitation
Advisor: Xu, co-advisor Zhang
PhD Thesis:
Effective and Efficient Computation System Provenance Tracking
Advisor: Aniket Kate
PhD Thesis:
Privacy Preserving Systems With Crowd Blending
Advisor: Barrett S. Caldwell
PhD Thesis:
Determining System Requirements for Human-Machine Integration in Cyber Security Incident Response
Advisor: Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Privacy-Enhancing Techniques for Data Analytics
Advisor: Karthik Kannan
PhD Thesis:
Scalability and Business Outcomes: Essays on Managing Trade-Offs when Fringe Technologies go Mainstream
Advisor: Arif Ghafoor
PhD Thesis:
Design and Evaluation of Hidden Markov Model Based Architectures for Detection of Interleaved Multi-Stage Network Attacks
Advisor: Yiying Zhang
PhD Thesis:
Building Fast, Scalable, Low-Cost, and Safe Rdma Systems in Datacenters
Advisor: Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
Data Protection in Transit and at Rest with Leakage Detection
Advisor: Mathias Payer, Saurabh Bagchi
PhD Thesis:
Internet of Things Systems Security: Benchmarking and Protection
Advisor: Mathias Payer
PhD Thesis:
Usage of Dynamic Analysis to Strengthen Control-Flow Analysis
Advisor: Linda Naimi
PhD Thesis:
An Exploratory Study on The Trust of Information in Social Media
Advisor: Arif Ghafoor
PhD Thesis:
Attack-Resilient Adaptive Load-Balancing in Distributed Spatial Data Streaming Systems
Advisor: Chunyi Peng
PhD Thesis:
Enhancing Mobility Support in Cellular Networks With Device-Side Intelligence
Advisor: Goldwasser
PhD Thesis:
Social Reinforcement Learning
Advisor: Y. Charlie Hu
PhD Thesis:
Exploiting the Spatial Dimension of Big Data Jobs for Efficient Cluster Job Scheduling
Advisor: Mathias Payer
PhD Thesis:
Practical Type and Memory Safety Violation Detection Mechanisms
Advisor: Marcus K. Rogers
PhD Thesis:
Differentiating Users Based on Changes in the Underlyingblock Space of Their Smartphones
Advisor: Dan Goldwasser
PhD Thesis:
Commonsense Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in Statistical Script Learning
Advisor: Bharat Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
Deep Learning Based Models for Cognitive Autonomy and Cybersecurity Intelligence in Autonomous Systems
Advisor: Elisa Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Fine-Grained Anomaly Detection For In Depth Data Protection
Advisor: Shreyas Sundaram
PhD Thesis:
New Approaches to Distributed State Estimation, Inference and Learning with Extensions to Byzantine-Resilience
Advisor: Bharat Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
Auditable Computations on (Un)Encrypted Graph-Structured Data
Advisor: Jennifer Neville
PhD Thesis:
Neural Representation Learning for Semi-Supervised Node Classification and Explainability
Advisor: Shreyas Sundaram
PhD Thesis:
Heterogeneity- and Risk-Aware Algorithms for Task Allocation To Mobile Agents
Advisor: Patrick Eugster
PhD Thesis:
Practical Confidentiality-Preserving Data Analytics in Untrusted Clouds
Advisor: Vijay Raghunathan
PhD Thesis:
Memory-based Hardware-intrinsic Security Mechanisms for Device Authentication in Embedded Systems
Advisor: Dark/Raskin MS non thesis; Bertino PhD
PhD Thesis:
Anomaly Detection and Security Deep Learning Methods under Adversarial Situation
Advisor: Shaoshuai Mou
PhD Thesis:
Distributed Control and Optimization in Multi-Agent Systems
Advisor: Shreyas Sundaram
PhD Thesis:
Algorithmic and Graph-Theoretic Approaches for Optimal Sensor Selection in Large-Scale Systems
Advisor: Ghafoor
PhD Thesis:
Fault Tolerance in Big Data Frameworks and Resource Management Systems
Advisor: Saurabh Bagchi
PhD Thesis:
Dependable Wearable Systems
Advisor: John Springer
PhD Thesis:
Community Detection of Anomaly in Large-Scale Network
Advisor: Rogers
PhD Thesis:
Investigating Cyber Performance: An Individual Differences Study
Advisor: Mikhail J. Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Efficient and Secure Equality-based Two-party Computation
Advisor: Elisa Bertino
PhD Thesis:
Privacy Enhancing Techniques for Digital Identity Management
Advisor: Jeremy Blocki
PhD Thesis:
Modeling Rational Adversaries: Predicting Behavior and Developing Deterrents
Advisor: Arif Ghafoor
PhD Thesis:
Design and Development of Intelligent Security Management Systems: Threat Detection and Response in Cyber-based Infrastructures
Advisor: Xiaojun Lin
PhD Thesis:
Robustness of Learning and Control
Advisor: Dongyan Xu
PhD Thesis:
Cyber-Physical Analysis and Hardening of Robotic Aerial Vehicle Controllers
Advisor: Aniket Kate
PhD Thesis:
Efficient Cryptographic Constructions For Resource-Constrained Blockchain Clients
Advisor: Byung-Cheol Min
PhD Thesis:
Secure Multi-Robot Systems: Threat Identification and Countermeasure Development
Advisor: Baijian Yang
PhD Thesis:
Blockchain-Based Security Framework for the Internet of Things and Home Networks
Advisor: Chris Clifton
PhD Thesis:
Privacy in Complex Sample Based Surveys
Advisor: Mathias Payer
PhD Thesis:
Fuzzing Hard-to-Cover Code
Advisor: Kathryn Seigfried-Spellar, Julia Rayz
PhD Thesis:
The DVL in the Details: Assessing Differences in Decoy, Victim, and Law Enforcement Chats with Online Sexual Predators
Advisor: Marcus K. Rogers
PhD Thesis:
A 3-Dimensional Uas Forensic Intelligence-Led Taxonomy (U-Fit)
Advisor: Sanjay Rao and Shreyas Sundaram co-advised
PhD Thesis:
Data-Driven and Control Theoretic Approaches for Real-Time Sensor Data Transmission Over Unmanned Aerial Systems Networks
Advisor: Gesualdo Scutari
PhD Thesis:
Distributed Optimization for Machine Learning: Guarantees and Tradeoffs
Advisor: Ninghui Li
PhD Thesis:
Analyzing Sensitive Data with Local Differential Privacy
Advisor: Julia Rayz
PhD Thesis:
Deceptive Review Identification via Reviewer Network Representation Learning
Advisor: Dr. Byoungyoung Lee
PhD Thesis:
Defeating Critical Threats to Cloud User Data in Trusted Execution Environments
Advisor: John Springer
PhD Thesis:
Node Centric Community Detection and Evolutional Prediction in Dynamic Networks
Advisor: Jeremiah Blocki
PhD Thesis:
Exploring the Composition of Coding Theory and Cryptography through Secure Computation, Succinct Arguments, and Local Codes
Advisor: Ninghui Li
PhD Thesis:
Using Randomness to Defend Against Adversarial Examples in Computer Vision
Advisor: Marcus Rogers
PhD Thesis:
User Attribution in Digital Forensics Through Modeling Keystroke and Mouse Usage Data Using Xgboost
Advisor: Sanjay G. Rao
PhD Thesis:
Resilient Wide Area Network Routing Algorithms For Meeting Service Level Objectives
Advisor: Dave (Jing) Tian
PhD Thesis:
Securing System and Embedded Software via Fuzzing
Advisor: Ninghui Li
PhD Thesis:
Differential Privacy in Distributed Settings
Advisor: Aniket Kate
PhD Thesis:
Efficient Building Blocks for Secure Multiparty Computation and Their Applications
Advisor: Aniket Kate
PhD Thesis:
Realizing Information Escrows and Efficient Key-Management Using Threshold Cryptography
Advisor: Mathias Payer
PhD Thesis:
Novel System Compartmentalization and Reverse Engineering Methods
Advisor: Bharat Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
Deep Neural Networks for Detection of Rare Events, Novelties, and Data Augmentation in Multimodal Data Streams
Advisor: Dan Goldwasser
PhD Thesis:
Neural-Symbolic Modeling for Natural Language Discourse
Advisor: Bowei Xi
PhD Thesis:
A Graybox Defense Through Bootstrapping Deep Neural Network
Advisor: Dr. Hany Abdel-Khalik
PhD Thesis:
Covert Cognizance: Embedded Intelligence for Industrial Systems
Advisor: Jennifer Neville
PhD Thesis:
Models and Representation Learning Mechanisms for Graph Data
Advisor: Sorin Matei
PhD Thesis:
I'll Send All Positive Thoughts Out to You: Detecting Hyperpersonal Relationships Through Self-Disclosure
Advisor: William B. Haskell
PhD Thesis:
Data-Integrated Supply Chain Contracts: Learning to Price Under Uncertainty
Advisor: Dr. Ida Ngambeki / John Springer
PhD Thesis:
Human Factors in Cybersecurity: A Cross-Cultural Study on Trust
Advisor: Dr Seigfried-Spellar
PhD Thesis:
Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection in TLS Encrypted Traffic
Advisor: Jeremiah Blocki
PhD Thesis:
Mechanism Design in Defense Against Offline Password Attacks
Advisor: Aniket Kate
PhD Thesis:
Pipelined Byzantine Fault Tolerance and Applications
Advisor: Berkay Celik
PhD Thesis:
Leveraging Multimodal Sensing for Enhancing the Security and Privacy of Mobile Systems
Advisor: Dr. Elisa Bertino
PhD Thesis:
A Systematic Framework for Analyzing the Security and Privacy of Wireless Communication Protocol Implementations
Advisor: Xiangyu Zhang
PhD Thesis:
Identification of web security threats to online business models
Advisor: Shreyas Sundaram
PhD Thesis:
Analyses and Scalable Algorithms for Byzantine-Resilient Distributed Optimization
Advisor: Eric Dietz, Eugene Spafford
PhD Thesis:
Modeling and Characterization of Internet Censorship Technologies
Advisor: Dr. Umit Karabiyik
PhD Thesis:
Towards a Transdisciplinary Cyber Forensics Geo-Contextualization Framework
Advisor: Julia Taylor Rayz
PhD Thesis:
On Semantic Cognition, Inductive Generalization, and Language Models
Advisor: Vijay Raghunathan
PhD Thesis:
Design Techniques for Secure IoT Devices and Networks
Advisor: Dongyan Xu
PhD Thesis:
Proactive Vulnerability Identification and Defense Construction -- the Case for CAN
Advisor: Bowei Xi
PhD Thesis:
Toward Robust and Interpretable Graph and Image Representation Learning
PhD Thesis:
Multimodal Data Management in Open-world Environment
Advisor: Mathias Payer
PhD Thesis:
Practical Methods for Fuzzing Real-World Systems
Advisor: Dongyan Xu
PhD Thesis:
Securing Bluetooth Protocols through Formal Analysis and Debloating
Advisor: Shreyas Sundaram
PhD Thesis:
Finite Sample Guarantees for Learning the Dynamics of Systems
Advisor: Shreyas Sundaram
PhD Thesis:
New Approaches Towards Online, Distributed, and Robust Learning of Statistical Properties of Data
Advisor: Bharat Bhargava
PhD Thesis:
Secure Authentication and Privacy-Preserving Techniques in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Advisor: Shreyas Sen
PhD Thesis:
Electromagnetic Physical Security: Addressing Exploitation Risks and Building Trust
Advisor: Arman Sabbaghi
PhD Thesis:
Practicality in Generative Modeling & Synthetic Data
Advisor: Vaneet Aggarwal
PhD Thesis:
Temporal Abstractions in Multi-agent Learning
Advisor: Spafford
PhD Thesis:
Anomaly Detection in Hard Real-Time Embedded Systems
Advisor: Christopher Clifton
PhD Thesis:
Identifying Induced Bias in Machine Learning
Advisor: Antonio Bianchi
PhD Thesis:
Analyzing Secure and Attested Communication in Mobile Devices
Advisor: Prof. Mikhail Atallah
PhD Thesis:
Garbled Computation: Hiding Software, Dataand Computed Values
Advisor: Satish V. Ukkusuri
PhD Thesis:
Towards an Efficient and Secure Ride-Hailing Service
Advisor: Prof. Ninghui Li
PhD Thesis:
Membership Inference Attacks and Defenses in Classification Models
Advisor: Wenhai Sun
PhD Thesis:
On the Automatic Repair of Smart Contracts in Blockchain
Advisor: Jeremiah Blocki
PhD Thesis:
New Theoretical Techniques For Analyzing And Mitigating Password Cracking Attacks
Advisor: Dan Goldwasser
PhD Thesis:
A Framework to Identify Online Communities for Social Media Analysis
Advisor: Spafford/Rogers PhD
PhD Thesis:
Measuring Data Protection: A Causal Artificial Intelligence Modeling Approach
Advisor: Dr. Xukai Zou
PhD Thesis:
Investigation of Backdoor Attacks and Design of Effective Countermeasures in Federated Learning
Advisor: Christopher Clifton/Edward Delp
PhD Thesis:
An Analysis on Short-Form Text and Derived Engagement
Advisor: Umit Karabiyik
PhD Thesis:
Discovering Location Patterns in iOS Users Utilizing Machine Learning Methods For Purposes of Digital Forensics Investigations
Advisor: Dr. Linda Pfeiffer
PhD Thesis:
Experiencing and interpreting privacy in the context of consumer "smart" surveillance: A mixed-methods phenomenological investigation
Advisor: Benjamin Delaware
PhD Thesis:
Language-Based Techniques for Policy-Agnostic Oblivious Computation