The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Submodular Bandits

Principal Investigator: Vaneet Aggarwal

We investigate the problem of stochastic, combinatorial multi-armed bandits where the learner only has access to bandit feedback and the reward function can be non-linear. We provide a general framework for adapting discrete offline approximation algorithms into sub-linear regret methods that only require bandit feedback. The framework only requires the offline algorithms to be robust to small errors in function evaluation. The adaptation procedure does not even require explicit knowledge of the offline approximation algorithm -- the offline algorithm can be used as black box subroutine. Such approaches are useful in wide variety of setups including social influence maximization, revenue management, market design, product ranking optimization in online platforms, and reserve price optimization in auctions. Further, many of these problems have continuous combinatorial actions, which is also being explored. 


Representative publications include: