The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Non-Linear Utilities and Constraints in Online Decision Making: Learning-based approach

Principal Investigator: Vaneet Aggarwal

Many real-world problems require optimization of an objective that is non-linear in cumulative rewards, e.g., fairness objectives in scheduling. Further, most engineering problems have constraints, e.g., reaching safely, average power constraints. In this work, we aim to innovate on efficient algorithms taking into account non-linear objectives and constraints. Reinforcement Learning algorithms such as DQN owe their success to Markov Decision Processes, and the fact that maximizing the sum of rewards allows using backward induction and reduce to the Bellman optimality equation. These fail to hold in the presence of non-linear objectives and/or constraints making the analysis challenging. We have proposed multiple forms of algorithms with provable guarantees for these problems. As shown alongside, for a network traffic optimization problem, the proposed Actor-Critic (IFRL AC) and Policy Gradient (IFRL PG) approaches significantly outperform the standard approaches that do not explicitly account for non-linearity. In the Table below, we consider two forms of algorithms with a mention of the results with either concave utility functions or constraints or both. The model-based approaches use posterior or optimistic sampling approaches, the model-free approaches are based on policy gradients or primal-dual approaches. X mentions that we have the results for those cases, and the others represent the scenarios where we are working towards efficient results.



Concave Utility


Concave Utility and Constraints







Model-Free Finite State Space




Model-Free Infinite State Space





Representative Publications