The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Autonomous Systems

Autonomous Systems Projects

Hybrid UAM Model Checking

Principal Investigator: James Goppert

Object Recognition using Light Curve Inversion

Principal Investigator: Carolin Frueh

Observability for Autonomy and Sensor Network Design

Principal Investigator: Carolin Frueh

Real-Time Computer Vision for Controlling Mobile Robots

Principal Investigator: Yung-Hsiang Lu

Satellite Imaging using Compressed Sensing

Principal Investigator: Carolin Frueh

Secure and Safe Assured Autonomy

Principal Investigator: Dengfeng Sun

Secure and Safe Assured Autonomy

Principal Investigator: Shaoshuai Mou