The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Marina Gavrilova - University of Calgary

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Machine Intelligence for Biometric and On-Line Security

Mar 05, 2014

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Security research domain has recently witnessed tremendous growth in respect to all aspects of information access and sharing. There has been notable progress in developing successful approaches to tackle the problem of user authentication. Among those approaches, biometric-based authentication firmly established itself as one of the most reliable, efficient, and versatile tools for providing discretionary access control to a secure resource or system. While state-of-the art methods for biometric authentication are becoming increasingly more powerful and better understood, the same unfortunately cannot be said about security of users populating on-line communities or cyberworld.
Ensuring safe and secure communication and interaction among users and, respectably, their on-line identities presents unique challenges to academicians, as well as the industry and the public. Despite the fact that those challenges are regularly making headlines in the news, in government reports and in IT security domain, there is a lack of effort to address this urgent problem. The limited efforts that do exists are currently restricted to network security, password protection, encryption, database security and policy-making efforts. However, one of most crucial components for ensuring on-line security ñ the relationship between communication among users and user authentication, has been largely overlooked. This crucial issue requires a systematic study and a targeted effort to develop effective security solutions for cyberworlds, which is the main topic of this proposed talk.

About the Speaker

Marina Gavrilova
Marina L. Gavrilova is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary. Dr. Gavrilova research interests lie in the area of biometric security, cognitive sciences, pattern recognition, social networking and cyberworlds. Prof. Gavrilova is founder and co-director of the Biometric Technologies Laboratory, with over 120 journal and conference papers, edited special issues, books and book chapters, including World Scientific Bestseller (2007) ñ ìImage Pattern Recognition: Synthesis and Analysis in Biometricî and \"Multimodal Biometrics and Intelligent Image Processing for Security Systems\". Together with Dr. Kenneth Tan, Prof. Gavrilova founded ICCSA series of international events in 2002. She was co-Chair of the International Workshop on Biometric Technologies BT 2004 and General Chair of International Conference on Cyberworlds CW2011, and currently servces as Founding Editor-in-Chief of Transactions on Computational Science Journal, Springer. Prof. Gavrilova has given Invited Keynotes and Invited Panel Lectures at such prestigious international events at INDIN 2003, 3AIí06, ICBAKE 2008, ICCSA 2010, ICCI*CC 2011, CyberWorlds 2012, GRAPHICON 2012 and appeared as panelist at 14th Security and Privacy Conference. She has given invited talks at DIMACS, Bell Labs, USA, Microsoft Research, Redmond, Samsung Research, South Korea and at numerous universities worldwide. Her research was profiled in newspaper and TV interviews, most recently being chosen to be featured in Exhibit at National Museum of Civilization, in National Film Canada production and on upcoming Discovery Channel biometric spoofing segment.

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