The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Kirsten Bay - Cyber adAPT

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Securing the Future of Business: Broadening the Role of Security Technology

Nov 29, 2017

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Security technology has long been relegated as part of the IT stack, but the consistent stream of attacks on our government, corporations, and individuals alike have shown that the relationship between security technology and the business needs to be reconsidered. As we look at events such as manipulating news on Facebook, Equifax, WannaCry, NotPeta, and Uber, how do we engage a wider audience to be part of the conversation of understanding the challenges and solutions? What are the mechanisms that will stop companies from hiding the security gaps and events from investors, employees, and customers? This discussion will use current use cases intended to stimulate a dialogue on how we, as current and future leaders in cyber security, can better understand the broader risks and opportunities so that we can educate and inform on how to get ahead of the adversary.

About the Speaker

Kirsten Bay
Kirsten Bay is redefining what it means to be a fearless leader in the technology industry. She is an accomplished, bilingual executive, transforming the cyber security space. As President and CEO of Cyber adAPT, she leverages more than 25 years of experience, leading her team with risk intelligence, information management, and policy expertise across a variety of sectors.

Throughout her career, Kirsten has been appointed to a congressional committee developing cyber policies, initiatives and recommendations for the intelligence community. She has developed recommendations in partnership with the Center for North American Studies (CNAS) and Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) for The White House energy policy, and collaborated on information studies for MIT-Harvard and several federal agencies. She has gone before a parliamentary subcommittee on recreating trust in the global economy, presented national security and critical infrastructure concepts at conferences such as Black Hat, Secured Americas, Enterprise Architecture Institute, SC World Congress, and the Eurim Information Management Committee. She has also spoken on applied economics and its relationship to both cyber and national security around the world.

Kirsten is a self-proclaimed ‘serial student'. Her current membership of the Alliance of Chief Executives feeds her perpetual drive to learn and share insight with peers; an inspirational trait she models for her Cyber adAPT team.

In previous executive roles for ISC8, Attensity Group, and iSIGHT Partners, she has led companies through corporate restructuring, risk and corporate intelligence product launches, and company turnarounds, respectively.

With a BA in English and German from the University of Oregon, let's just say she will correct your grammar in multiple languages.

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