The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Edward W. Felten - Princeton University

Students: Fall 2024, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Electronic Voting: Danger and Opportunity

Jan 23, 2008

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Electronic voting machines have made our elections less reliable and less secure, but recent developments offer hope of a better system in the future. Current research offers the hope of a future voting system that is more reliable and more secure than ever before, at reasonable cost, by combining high-tech and low-tech methods so that each can compensate for the weaknesses of the other. This talk will sketch what this future might look like, and will highlight some of the research that may make it possible.

About the Speaker

Edward W. Felten is a Professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs
 at Princeton University, and is the founding Director of Princeton's Center for Information Technology Policy. His research interests include computer security and privacy, especially relating to media and consumer products; and technology law and policy. He has published about eighty papers in the research literature, and two books. His research on topics such as web security, copyright and copy protection, and electronic voting has been covered extensively in the popular press. His weblog, at, is widely read for its commentary on technology, law, and policy.

He was the lead computer science expert witness for the Department of Justice in the Microsoft antitrust case, and he has testified in other important lawsuits. He has testified before the Senate Commerce Committee on digital television technology and regulation, and twice testified about electronic voting before House committees. In 2004, Scientific American magazine named him to its list of fifty worldwide science and technology leaders. He was recently named an ACM Fellow.

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