Hal Aldridge - Sypris
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Not the Who but the What -- New applications of Hardware Identity
Nov 14, 2012

An essential part of security is controlling access. Traditional access control depends on the a person's ability to prove their identity and the access control system's ability to verify their identity. For computer access, a person usually carries some combination of methods to prove their identity (password, token, and/or biometric). What if a thing needs access instead of a person? It is easy enough to embed a secret into software or hardware so a device can identify itself, but how do you ensure the integrity of that data and the identity of the device? This presentation will discuss challenges of ensuring the device is what it claims to be, how the supply chain effects the assurance level of that identity, new technologies that can be used to provide hardware based identity, and other security features than can be enabled by the secure device identity.About the Speaker

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