Tawei (David) Wang - DePaul University
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
CIO Risk Appetite and Information Security Management
Mar 22, 2017

After a series of recent high profile information security breach incidents, the role of Chief Information Officers, particularly their role in information security risk management, has been in a heated debate among practitioners. However, little is known in academic literature about how a CIOs' risk aversion level affects the effectiveness of information security management. Using reported information security breach incidents during 2003-2015, this study examines how a CIO's risk aversion level is associated to the possibility of information security incidents. In addition, we investigate the moderating effect of CEOs' risk aversion level and whether the CIO is on the board on the aforementioned effect. Our preliminary results show that a CIO's risk aversion level is significantly associated with a lower likelihood of information security breaches. We further document that such association varies depending on types of security breaches.About the Speaker

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