Rick Aldrich - Booz Allen Hamilton
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
The Importance of Law in Cybersecurity, Recent Developments and Trends in Cyberlaw
Sep 23, 2009

Information security professionals increasingly need to be familiar with developments in cyberlaw to ensure they comport their actions with the contours of the law. Unfortunately, with technology changing far faster than the statutes, judges are increasingly being called upon to fill in the interstices. In this interactive session, facts from actual cases will be presented in a "You Be the Judge" format to highlight important developments in recent cases and identify key trends in the case law. What is the legal efficacy of a click-through consent banner and how does this impact information security professionals? What constitutes an "interception" and what types of interceptions are legal and illegal? What law dictates whether an employer can or cannot inspect its employee's personal e-mail messages? Do individuals have to divulge their encryption keys requested to do so by border guards or law enforcement agents? Are there jurisdictional borders in cyberspace? Who has jurisdiction and how does the law apply in virtual worlds? How do extradition laws apply to cybercrimes? These and many other questions will be answered in this interactive seminar.About the Speaker
Rick Aldrich is the Senior Computer Network Operations Policy Analyst for the Information Assurance Technology Analysis Center and an Associate for Booz Allen Hamilton. He has been awarded several grants by the Institute for National Security Studies to study the legal and policy implications of cybercrime and information warfare. He has multiple publications in this field, including a chapter on information warfare in the widely used textbook, National Security Law. He has taught cyberlaw at the collegiate level and has been a faculty member of the Institute for Applied Network Security. He has presented at several national and international conferences including HTCIA, Infowarcon, SANSFIRE, FiestaCrow, IA Conference of the Pacific, Southeast Cybercrime Summit, a conference on Arms Control in Cyberspace in Berlin, Germany and a forum on cyberterrorism in Bogota, Colombia. He was a primary contributor to the Cyberlaw I and II courses distributed by the Defense Department. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the US Air Force Academy, a Juris Doctor from UCLA, and a Masters of Law in Intellectual Property Law from the University of Houston. He is also a CISSP.
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