Kelly Caine - Indiana University
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Human Factors Approaches to Preserving Privacy
Dec 09, 2009

Threats to privacy are not only due to traditional computer security issues; human factors issues such as unintentional disclosure of information also have an impact on privacy preservation. In this talk I will discuss two examinations of psychological aspects of privacy and how they relate to technology. First, I will present results from an investigation of everyday privacy behaviors and discuss how these naturally occurring behaviors can guide the design of privacy protective technology. Then, I will introduce the concept of misclosure, which is the unintentional disclosure of information, and provide multiple example misclosures. I will conclude by demonstrating that misclosures a) occur frequently b) occur across systems and c) may be preventable by considering human factors during design.About the Speaker
Kelly Caine is a Research Fellow in the School of Informatics and Computer Science at Indiana University. She received her B.A. in Psychology from the University of South Carolina and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Engineering Psychology from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research interests include health informatics, privacy, human factors, human computer interaction, and designing for special populations. She is a member of APA, HFES, and the ACM SIGCHI, is an alumnus of the Georgia Tech Human Factors and Aging Lab and the GVU Center, and the Aware Home Initiative, and is a current member of the IU ETHOS group. She is the recipient of a fellowship in Information Technology and International Development, the Foley Scholar award, and the Georgia Tech Presidential Scholarship. Outside of academia, Kelly worked as a User Experience Researcher at Google on a variety of projects including Google Health.
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