The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

David Carroll - MITRE

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Identity Management Strategies and Integration Perspectives

Apr 12, 2006

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For large government agencies and corporations there can be significant value in the use of identity, access, and rights management infrastructures or IDM. The organizations investment in directory services, authorization services, rights management, and public key systems all combine to form a sometimes complex infrastructure. The products that are deployed may be based upon standards such as WS-Security, SAML, and X509.3 but many are still hampered by proprietary vendor implementation, lack of understanding of the capability of the technology as it relates to business process, or unwise architectural decisions.

This seminar will focus on how the models for IDM are maturing and comment on how the urgency to deploy solutions changes when combined with service oriented architecture. The seminar will give practical examples from the experience of working within large scale infrastructures in both corporate and government environments. It will conclude with commentary on the IDM issues and solutions revolving around the largest government identity management effort to date

About the Speaker

David Carroll leads the Application Security Section for the MITRE Corporations Federal Systems Security Department in McLean, Virginia. Federal Systems Security is part of the MITRE INFOSEC Center and is charged with researching and defining architecture for government agencies that must interact through outreach to the public. He specializes in security architecture and has focused for the last 7 years in identity management, access management, and user provisioning systems. He currently advises the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Chief Information Security Officer and is particularly active in areas relating to Homeland Security Presidential Directive Twelve which mandates the use of a common identity credential for all U.S. government agencies. Mr. Carroll participates in several working groups including the Federal Bridge (FBCA) PKI working group.

Prior to joining MITRE he was the information security architect for Marriott International and developed their identity and access management capabilities which service over 140,000 employees worldwide. Mr. Carroll successfully integrated over 100 separate applications over a 5 year period to make the Marriott Extranet a business asset and show the capability and business value of combined identity and access management across the corporate web space.

Mr. Carroll has a M.S. in Information Assurance and a B.S. in Technology Management both from the University of Maryland. His specific research interests include identity management, digital rights management, application security, identity based policy enforcement, public key systems, and identity based encryption.

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