Andre Koenig - Technical University Darmstadt
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Security in Infrastructureless and Decentralized Communication Networks - Possibilities, Results, and Evaluation Challenges
Oct 28, 2009

Infrastructureless and decentralized communication substrates such as mobile ad hoc networks and peer-to-peer systems enable setting up communication services beyond borders of contemporary wired or cellular client/server systems. Yet, due to their specific characteristics like wireless multihop data transmission and lack of central trusted instances, infrastructureless and decentralized networks are also beyond the protection of contemporary security mechanisms. This especially requires consideration in possible first responder or military application scenarios. Various new threats targeting each layer of the ISO/OSI model have been identified. Central questions regarding security include how to deal with misbehavior and how to protect information in networks without well-defined borders, consisting of devices, services, and users from multiple administrative domains.In this talk we present possible solutions for excluding misbehaving nodes from infrastructureless networks to recover the availability of the network in presence of attacks. We further present mathematical tools for governing cooperative decision processes without central trusted instances as basis for security objectives such as authentication and access control in decentralized systems. We show evaluation results based on analytical models as well as simulation and testbed studies and highlight general challenges regarding the evaluation of protocols and algorithms for infrastructureless decentralized communication networks.
About the Speaker
Andre Koenig received his diploma in computer science from TU Darmstadt. After having worked for a system retailer offering network design, consultation, and trainings, he joined the Multimedia Communications Lab (KOM) at TU Darmstadt, Germany, in 2005. His research focuses on security mechanisms for highly dynamic, infrastructureless and decentralized environments such as mobile ad hoc networks and peer-to-peer systems. Until 2007, Andre Koenig contributed to the SicAri project funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) with the goal to develop a toolkit for secure ubiquitous communications. After SicAri, he was involved in the SoKNOS project funded by BMBF aiming at offering a service oriented communication platform for emergency response scenarios. Since October 2008, he is working on the G-Lab project of the BMBF with the goal to establishing a national experimental platform for research on future internet technologies. Here, Andre Koenig is responsible for the work package on quality of service and security. Since 2009 Andre Koenig is head of the 'Network Security' research group at the Multimedia Communications Lab. Besides the work on his PhD thesis and research projects, Andre Koenig is involved in various teaching activities at TU Darmstadt.
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