Jean Camp - Indiana University
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Net Trust: Identification Through Social Context
Jan 18, 2006

In the nineties the disconnection between physical experience and the digital networked experience was celebrated - individuals are said to move into cyberspace, become virtual and leave the constraints of the physical realm. The increase in fraud, difficulties in securing email, and increasing prevalent browser-based attacks illustrate that the lack physical signaling information can also be costly.I introduce a trust that evaluation system, Net Trust. The trust evaluation system offered in Net Trust builds on the technical construction of networks of trust, reputation systems, and social browsing. Net Trust is explicitly a socio-technical solution; the solution employs a user
About the Speaker
Professor L. Jean Camp\'s core interest is in the interaction of technical, financial and social trust. It was this interest that led Prof. Camp from graduate electrical engineering research in North Carolina to the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon, and it remained her core interests as a Senior Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories. At Sandia National Laboratories her work focused on computer security. She left Sandia National Laboratories to join the faculty at Harvard\'s Kennedy School. As a tenured at Indiana University
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