Sid Stamm - Indiana University
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Invasive Browser Sniffing and Countermeasures
Aug 30, 2006

We describe the detrimental effects of browser cache/ history sniffing in the context of phishing attacks, and detail an approach that neutralizes the threat by means of URL personalization; we report on an implementation performing such personalization on the fly, and analyze the costs of and security properties of our proposed solution.About the Speaker
Sid Stamm is a PhD candidate in Computer Science at Indiana University where he earned his MS in 2005. He is currently investigating context-aware phishing attacks ("spear phishing") and ways to thwart them; Sid hopes to keep ahead of the real phishers out there, and find ways to prevent such extremely deceptive social/ technical attacks. His research interests are in social engineering, identity verification, and applications of cryptographic protocols for authentication and privacy.
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