The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Eugene H. Spafford - CERIAS

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

ESP and Poly^2: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom

Apr 16, 2003


We have seen about 15 years of development of intrusion detection systems, and almost 8 years of development of Internet servers. Despite that experience, we continue to have severe problems securing Internet enterprises. Break-ins, defacements of WWW pages, and self-propagating malicious code continue to multiply.

With all the research and money being directed to issues of security, one might think that a solution would be in reach. However, in this talk I will point out how the concept of "intrusion detection" has been blurred, and the assumptions behind current efforts to secure servers are likely to fail. At CERIAS, we are challenging some of this conventional wisdom when designing security services. By focusing on the design of securable systems instead of interoperation with existing platforms we have developed a highly-effective IDS (ESP), and are now building a high-performance testbed (Poly^2) to host it. This talk will describe our approach and the results to date.

About the Speaker

Spaf is a well-known bow-tie wearer. He is fond of bad movies, bad jokes, and politically incorrect behavior. When he isn't traveling to meetings, he is alleged to be the director of CERIAS and a computer scientist involved with information security issues.

More information may be found at

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