Dave Ford - Naval Postgraduate School
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Application of Thermodynamics to Computer Network Defense
Aug 25, 2004
When the Presidential Decision Directive (PDD 63)regarding protection of critical infrastructure was issued the mandate of the National Security Agency was to undertake research to enhance infrastructure defense. Years later, this is still a hot topic. Of the PDD 63 work undertaken by NSA math research community, THERMINATOR is perhaps the most widely known in the unclassified arena.This overview talk explains what pedagogical thermodynamics is and how it applies to datasets and their dynamics. As an example, the concept of dataset temperature will be developed in some detail. The obstacles of state space reconstruction and its dimensional reduction will also be addressed (and even solved!)in many cases of practical interest.
About the Speaker
Dave Ford is a TAM graduate of the University of Illinois. He has worked at NSA and now is a professor at the Naval Postgraduate School.
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