The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Michael Schearer - Booz Allen Hamilton

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Exploiting Banners for Fun and Profits

Mar 09, 2011

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SHODAN is a computer search engine. But it is unlike any other search engine. While other search engines scour the web for content, SHODAN scans for information about the sites themselves. The result is a search engine that aggregates banners from well-known services. This presentation will focus on the applications of SHODAN to penetration testers, and in particular will detail a number of case studies demonstrating passive vulnerability analysis including default passwords, descriptive banners, and complete pwnage. For penetration testers, SHODAN is a game-changer, and a goldmine of potential vulnerabilities.

About the Speaker

Michael Schearer is a government contractor for Booz Allen who spent nearly nine years in the United States Navy as a combat-experienced EA-6B Prowler Electronic Countermeasures Officer. He also spent nine months on the ground doing counter-IED work with the U.S. Army. He is a graduate of Georgetown University's National Security Studies Program and a previous presenter at DEFCON, and has spoken at ShmooCon, HOPE and internationally at CONFidence (Poland) and HackCon (Norway) as well as other numerous conferences. Michael is a licensed amateur radio operator and an active member of the Church of WiFi. He lives in Maryland with his wife and four children.

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