The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Ragib Hasan - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Fake Picassos, Tampered History, and Digital Forgery: Protecting the Genealogy of Bits with Secure Provenance

Sep 02, 2009

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As increasing amounts of valuable information are produced and persist
digitally, the ability to determine the origin of data becomes
important. In science, medicine, commerce, and government, data
provenance tracking is essential for rights protection, regulatory
compliance, management of intelligence and medical data, and
authentication of information as it flows through workplace tasks.
While significant research has been conducted in this area, the
associated security and privacy issues have not been explored, leaving
provenance information vulnerable to illicit alteration as it passes
through untrusted environments.

In this talk, we show how to provide strong integrity and
confidentiality assurances for data provenance information in an
untrusted distributed environment. We describe our provenance-aware
system prototype that implements provenance tracking of data writes at
the application layer, which makes it extremely easy to deploy. We
present empirical results that show that, for typical real-life
workloads, the run-time overhead of our approach to recording
provenance with confidentiality and integrity guarantees ranges from
1% - 13%.

For more details, please refer to

About the Speaker

Ragib Hasan is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computer
Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, working with
Prof. Marianne Winslett. He is also co-advised by Prof. Radu Sion of Stony
Brook University. His dissertation focuses on storage security in
general, and secure provenance, tamper-evident data storage, and
term-immutable databases in particular. His other research interests
include trust management, remembrance-capable systems, and computer-
supported collaborative knowledge-generation. Hasan graduated
summa-cum-laude, with a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, from
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in 2003. He
received his M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign in 2005. He is the recipient of the 2009 NSF/CRA
Computing Innovation (CIFellows) Postdoctoral Fellowship, and would
join the Johns Hopkins University as a postdoctoral researcher in Fall

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