Katrina E. Triezenberg - PhD Candidate, Purdue University
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Natural Language Watermarking and Tamperproofing
Nov 19, 2003
Two main results in the area of information hiding in natural language text are presented. A semantically-based scheme dramatically improves the information-hiding capacity of any text through two techniques: (i) modifying the granularity of meaning of individual sentences, whereas our own previous scheme kept the granularity fixed, and (ii) halving the number of sentences affected by the watermark. No longer aAbout the Speaker
Katrina E. Triezenberg is a graduate student in Linguistics and a
member of Drs. Atallah and Raskin\'s research group in natural language
information assurance and security. She worked for CERIAS as an
undergraduate research assistant in 2001-2003 and co-authored a number
of papers on NL watermarking, tamperproofing, and ontological support
for information security and assurance. She has also coauthored, with
Dr. Raskin, papers on the formal theory of sophistication in humor and
beyond. A veteran researcher and master acquirer in ontological
semantics, she has guest-taught in a number of graduate courses and
seminars on the subject. She is the recipient of the University Special
Initiative fellowship for graduate studies.
member of Drs. Atallah and Raskin\'s research group in natural language
information assurance and security. She worked for CERIAS as an
undergraduate research assistant in 2001-2003 and co-authored a number
of papers on NL watermarking, tamperproofing, and ontological support
for information security and assurance. She has also coauthored, with
Dr. Raskin, papers on the formal theory of sophistication in humor and
beyond. A veteran researcher and master acquirer in ontological
semantics, she has guest-taught in a number of graduate courses and
seminars on the subject. She is the recipient of the University Special
Initiative fellowship for graduate studies.
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