Russ Mundy - Sparta
Retrofitting Security to Internet Infrastructure Protocols
Apr 28, 2004
About the Speaker
Mr. Russ Mundy
Principal Networking Scientist
Division Manager, Network Security Research
7075 Samuel Morse Dr .
Columbia , MD
Academic Degrees:
Iowa State University
Industrial Education
Bachelor of Science - 1969
George Washington University
Telecommunications Policy
Master of Science - 1980
(1989-current) Russ Mundy is a Principal Networking Scientist at SPARTA, Inc. His primary research areas are Internet and network security, high assurance computing systems and protocol development. Mr. Mundy has over twenty-five years experience with development and implementation of numerous networking and computer systems. In his current position, he is primarily responsible for several U.S. government funded Internet infrastructure security and management research projects. Primary projects focus on improving the security of the Internet infrastructure and security improvements for other networks using internet technology. This work concentrates on incorporation of security into the Internet Domain Name System (DNS), improvements for network management, incorporation of security capability into Internet routing protocols, developing reference implementations of many of the security enhanced capabilities. As part of these research activities, Mr. Mundy has participated in a number of collaborative research testbed activities including the DARTnet, CAIRN, the A-Bone and the DETER/EMIST testbed efforts. Current and previous responsibilities include the organization, technical direction and management of various projects that require analysis of operational and security requirements and development of appropriate solutions.
(1985-1989) Prior to his current position, Mr. Mundy was the Chief Scientist for the U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Data Network (DDN). The DDN was built out from portions of the ARPAnet, was the first major network to use ARPAnet technology for mission critical operational functions and, in conjunction with the ARPAnet, became the first operational Internet. During this tenure, Mr. Mundy directed the security and technology aspects of the DDN including frequent analysis and trade‑offs of security, operational and cost requirements. Security activities included technology creation and assessment as well as certification and accreditation responsibilities for the DDN. He was also responsible for several special projects such as directing the immediate response cell to the computer worm that spread through numerous networks in November 1988 that is now commonly referred to as the Morris Worm. Mr. Mundy also represented the DDN program on various protocol standardization bodies and directed a $7M program that included research, network development, security, protocol standards and configuration control activities for the key technical aspects of the DDN program.
Relevant Publications:
1) Retrofitting Security into Internet Infrastructure Protocols, Sandra L. Murphy, Olafur Gudmundsson, Russ Mundy, Brian Wellington, IEEE and DARPA Information Survivability Conference & Exposition,
2) Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet Standard Management Framework, J. Case, R. Mundy, D. Partain, B. Stewart, Request for Comments #3410,
Synergistic Activities:
1) Mr Mundy is a member of the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee. The ICANN Board directed their President "to appoint a President\'s standing committee on the security and stability of the Internet\'s naming and address allocation systems. The President is directed to develop a proposed charter, with at least a focus on risk analysis and auditing thereof, in consultation with the President\'s standing committee, and to submit it to the Board for its approval." The overall objective of the Committee is to "advise the ICANN community and Board on matters relating to the security and integrity of the Internet\'s naming and address allocation systems."
2) Mr Mundy Co-Chaired the IETF SNMPv3 Working Group and has provided leadership for the activity from the time of the initial design until completion of specifications by the IETF as full Internet Standards. The Working Group defined the next generation of IETF standardized network management protocols and produced the first Internet Standard for network management that provides useful security capabilities.
Collaborators and Other Affiliations:
Daniel Massey, USC-ISI, and Allison Mankin, Lucent, on the Fault-Tolerant Mesh of Trust Applied to DNSSEC (FMESHD). The FMESHD project is focused on finalizing DNS Security and researching methods for joining DNS separate "islands" of DNS trust.
Mr Mundy\'s organization is currently providing support to the Defense Information System Agency (DISA) for achieving operational fielding of DNS Security capabilities.
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