The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Evan Sultanik - Trail of Bits

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

In Pursuit of Silent Flaws: Dataflow Analysis for Bugfinding and Triage

Apr 10, 2024

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In this presentation, I provide a thorough exploration of how dataflow analysis serves as a formidable method for discovering and addressing cybersecurity threats across a wide spectrum of vulnerability types. For instance, I'll illustrate how we can employ dynamic information flow tracking to automatically detect "blind spots"—sections of a program's input that can be changed without influencing its output. These blind spots are almost always indicative of an underlying bug. Furthermore, I will demonstrate how the use of hybrid control- and dataflow information in differential analysis can aid in uncovering variability bugs, commonly known as "heisenbugs." By delving into these practical applications of dataflow analysis and introducing open-source tools designed to implement these strategies, the goal is to present practical steps for pinpointing, debugging, and managing a diverse array of software bugs.

About the Speaker

Evan Sultanik

Dr. Evan Sultanik is a principal computer security researcher at Trail of Bits. His recent research covers language-theoretic security, program analysis, detecting variability bugs via taint analysis, dependency analysis via program instrumentation, and consensus protocols for distributed ledgers. He is an editor of and frequent contributor to the offensive computer security journal "Proof of Concept or GTFO." Prior to joining Trail of Bits, Dr. Sultanik was the Chief Scientist at Digital Operatives and, prior to that, a Senior Research Scientist at The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. His dissertation was on the discovery of a family of combinatorial optimization problems the solutions for which can be approximated constant factor of optimal in polylogarithmic time on a parallel computer or distributed system. This was a surprising result since many of the problems in the family are NP-Hard. In a life prior to academia, Evan was a professional software engineer.

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