Richard S. Murray
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Fighting Crime on the Internet: A Midwestern Prosecutor's Perspective
Apr 23, 2003
The use of digital communications and data storage challenges law enforcement's personnel policies, training methods, and resource allocations. It also challenges prosecution methods. At this point it is not clear that law enforcement has picked up the gauntlet except with respect to the acquisition and analysis of digital evidence in traditional crime. In order to move forward this talk suggests a 3 pronged approach; 1) development of a funding source for Internet security that is based on volume of usage; 2) allocation of responsibility for prevention of certain problems such as viruses, trojans and denial of service response to ISPs which can maintain 24x7 monitoring and retain trained personnel; and 3)fostering 3 part teamwork among prosecutors, case agents, and forensic analysts to incorporate digital evidence into traditional law enforcement.About the Speaker
B.A. Economics U of Chicago 1969, J.D. U of Chicago 1976, private practice in small Michigan town (100 miles to nearest 3 color stoplight) 1976-1979, county prosecutor 1979-1984, assistant U.S. attorney 1984 to present. Has been "computer and telecommunications coordinator" and "child exploitation coordinator" for office since 1995. Member of team that received Attorney General's Award for Excellence in Information Technology in 1999 for designing and delivering laptops for acquiring, analyzing, and presenting digital evidence to 94 U.S. Attorney's offices.
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