The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Yvo Desmedt - University College London, UK

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

60 years of scientific research in cryptography: a reflection

Apr 07, 2010

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Shannon started the unclassified scientific research in cryptography with his
October 1949 paper. First we briefly survey the scientific research in
cryptography since then. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this
research, attempting to present a balanced viewpoint.

The lecture will also discuss the progress we have not made. We will show that
not everything in modern cryptography is rosy. Besides above examples, we will
also talk about the discrepancy between the massive number of applications of
cryptography studied by academics and the fact most of these are being viewed
as completely irrelevant to the real world.

About the Speaker

Yvo Desmedt received his Ph.D. (Summa cum Laude) from the University of
Leuven, Belgium (1984). He is presently the Chair of Information
Communication Technology at University College London, UK and Invited Senior
Research Scientist at RCIS (AIST), Japan. He is also a courtesy professor at
Florida State University. His interests include cryptography, network security
and computer security. He was program chair of ICITS 2007, co-program chair of
CANS 2005, program chair of PKC 2003, the 2002 ACM Workshop on Scientific
Aspects of Cyber Terrorism and Crypto '94. He is editor-in-chief of the IET
Information Security, editor of the Journal of Computer Security, of
Information Processing Letters and of Advances in Mathematics of
Communications. He has given invited lectures at several conferences and
workshop in 5 different continents. He has authored over 150 refereed papers.
He has 139 entries on DBLP. He is ranked as 4th most productive (out of 1817
researchers) at the two main research conferences in Cryptology. He is a
recipient of the Society of Worldwide Inter-bank Funds Transfer (SWIFT) award.

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