Steve Lipner - SAFECode
Lessons Learned – Fifty Years of Mistakes in Cybersecurity
Feb 03, 2021

Over fifty years, I've led a lot of security projects that I thought would change the world. Many of them crashed and burned at great cost in money and reputation. There were some common threads including reliance on government claims about the market and on minimal secure systems built from scratch. This talk will describe some failures, some lessons learned the hard way, and how they paid off.
About the Speaker

Steve Lipner is the executive director of SAFECode, a nonprofit focused on software assurance. He was the creator of theWindows Security Push and the creator and long-time leader of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). Steve has more than a half century of experience in computer and network security as a researcher, engineer, and development manager, He is chair of the United States Government's Information Security and Privacy Advisory Board, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the National Cybersecurity Hall of Fame.
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