The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Computer Security Mexico 2005

Wed, April 13, 2005General
Computer Security Mexico 2005

Palacio de Mineria

May 26th - May 27th, 2005

Mexico City, Mexico

Since 1994, Mexico has participated of this celebration through the Computer Security Department and UNAM-CERT.

The goal of Computer Security 2005 Mexico is to create awareness among the computer user community about security strategies and mechanisms used to protect information systems. Since 1994, Mexico has been organizing this great event through the Computer Security Department at UNAM.

Computer Security 2005 will be an event for all the people who are involved in the use, design and administration of computer systems and internet community.


Keynote Speakers

* Paul Vixie - Founder & Chairman of Internet Software Consortium

* Steve - CEO, Steve Crocker Associates, LLC and Executive DSL, LLC

* Hank Nussbacher - Independent Networking Consultant

* Dr. Alejandro Pisanty - Computo Academico, UNAM, ICANN Board of Directors

* Rebecca Gurley Bace - Infidel, Inc.

* Erick Greenberg - Chief Technical Officer and Co-Founder of NetFrameworks, Inc.

* Ralph Logan - Honeynet Research Alliance

* Liliana Solha - CAIS/RNP, Brazil

* Jason Milletary - CERT/CC

* Francisco Monserrat - RedIRIS, Espana

* Jacomo Dimmit Boca Piccolini - CAIS/RNP, Brazil

* Juan Carlos Guel Lopez - Departamento de Seguridad en Computo/UNAM-CERT


Who should attend?

* System administrators who are interested in Computer Security.

* People working in the field of Computer Security who do handle Computer Security incidents.
*  Anybody interested in Computer Security and wants to meet another interested people.  This event will help him or her improve security programs, plans, and tools by listening to the speakers and by sharing and interacting with the attendees.

* People who want to establish incident response teams.

* Anybody who has a particular interest in network security, monitoring tools, intrusion detection and firewalls.

* Managers of enterprises who are interested in secure transactions via the Internet and that need to improve the security of their systems.


Why should you assist?

Because it is the opportunity to find out about what is being developed in the computer security field and it is also a chance to share your own experience and interests with people of the field.

You can learn about how to manage and respond to computer security incidents without exposing your resources.



The official Language for the conference Programn will be English and Spanish.


Important Dates

Trainning and workshops : May 20th - May 25th

Conferences: May 26th and May 27th, 2005


Further Information:

* Web:

* e-mail:

* Address:

Departamento de Seguridad en Computo/UNAM-CERT

Direccion General de Computo Academico

Circuito   Exterior,  Ciudad   Universitaria 04510

Mexico, D.F. Mexico

Phone : (52)  56 22 81 69 and (52)  56 85 22 29

Fax : (52) 56 22 80 43

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