The CERIAS Student Association is an official Purdue student organization formed by students and faculty advisors of CERIAS in May 2009.
The members of this association are students affiliated with the Purdue University’s Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS). We are united in our interest to advance the state of information assurance, security and privacy through innovative education and research and subscribe to the mission statement of the research center.
“The mission of CERIAS is to advance the knowledge and practice of information assurance and security through the performance of world-class research, the delivery of the highest quality education, and by serving as an unbiased source of information locally, nationally, and internationally.”
Members of the organization will be students (undergraduate, graduate and post-doctorate) at Purdue University with an active interest in information assurance security and privacy.
Students may elect to join or leave the organization at any time.
Membership rules
Membership is granted on petition. Purdue graduate student and undergraduate students may petition to join the organization.
Requesting candidates must satisfy any One of the following requirements to be granted membership to the association:
- Current Purdue University Graduate student .
- Current Purdue University undergraduate student — required to have endorsement of a CERIAS-affiliated faculty member confirming your interest/work in information assurance, security and privacy, in order to receive full membership.
Undergraduate students with interest/work in fields related to information assurance, security and privacy but not working under a CERIAS affiliated faculty member, Please contact: CERIAS Student Association
If you satisfy any ONE of the above mentioned membership criteria, Please contact: CERIAS Student Association* to petition for membership.
Current Officers:
Austin KlasaVice-President
Marshia SetoSecretary/Treasurer
Daniel SokolerGraduate Student Senator for INSC
Ibrahim Waziri Jr.Undergraduate Representative
Austin KlasaUndergraduate Representative
Marshia SetoUndergraduate Representative
Daniel SokolerFaculty Advisor
Jerry Haan
Future Events & Activities
- Security workshops related to ethical hacking on various technologies.
- Debates and discussions on security issues. (ethical/managerial/technical)
- Information sessions on addressing gaps in academic security knowledge and industrial security practices and other important and relevant issues.
- Social gatherings involving faculties and students.
- Promoting awareness on security contests.