The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Hacker: An intelligent learning agent


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CERIAS TR 2002-25

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The security threats involved in any software system are due to unanticipated attacks by hackers or terrorists. Research in security concentrates on providing technical solutions to these security threats [1, 2].These solutions might not work well once the assumed attacker behavior changes. Attackers quickly understand the current security structure of the system and come up with innovative ways to achieve their objectives. In order to estimate the objectives and possible attacks, one needs to know the behavior of a hacker. This report proposes the design for the simulation of a hacker as an intelligent learning agent, which can be used to observe the behavior change patterns and enhance the existing solutions to security threats. The design supports the following: 1) The hacker learns from his experience and also from the information provided by the other hackers. 2) The mistrust component is used to decide on the extent to which the information provided by other hackers can be relied upon.




CERIAS and Department of Computer Sciences

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