2016 Symposium Posters

Posters > 2016

Secure Collaborations with Additive Splits


Primary Investigator:
Mike Atallah

Project Members
Siva C Chaduvula, Bijeeta Pal, Mikhail J. Atallah, Jitesh H. Panchal
Information leakage can lead to loss of intellectual property and competitive edge. One of the primary sources of information leakage in collaborative design is sharing confidential information with collaborators, who may be also collaborating with competitors. Therefore, there is a need for protecting confidential information within collaborative design. Existing approaches such as inference control and trusted-third-party help in protecting information leakage, but inhibit designers from taking full advantage of collaboration. In this poster, we explain a new approach based on additive splitting to protect confidential data from untrusted collaborators.