Collaborative Response to Disruptions and Their Propagation (CRDP) in Cyber-physical Networks
Primary Investigator:
Shimon Nof
Win P.V. Nguyen, Hao Zhong
Disruptions, such as internal failures, natural disasters, and manmade coordinated attacks, can be devastating for cyber-physical networks such as supply networks, communication networks, and computer systems. Due to the high interconnectedness and complex interactions within and between cyber-physical networks, disruptions are not isolated events, and can propagate with severe impacts both locally and remotely, and must be contained lest catastrophic and irreversible damages occur. To address the challenge of planning and coordinating effective response in cyber-physical networks, the Collaborative Response to Disruptions and their Propagation (CRDP) framework is developed. The framework captures the important components of the problem: the client network subjected to disruptions, the response mechanisms that protect the network, and the disruptions that can propagate themselves or their impacts. The interactions between the components are identified, analyzed, and applied to improve the resilience of the cyber-physical networks. Analysis of the response-disruption interaction resulted in the development of response task scheduling protocol that seeks to minimize disruption propagation and reducing damages from disruptions. Analysis of the client-response interaction, and the response-disruption interaction resulted in the development of network flow and disruption informatics for cyber-physical supply networks. Experimental results indicate improvement of response capabilities to disruptions and their propagation, measured by improved recovery time, reduced network performance loss, and more efficient usage of response resources. The CRDP framework, together with its developed derivative models, analytics, informatics, and protocols, can be applied to different network types, different disruption scenarios, and different response mechanisms available.