2015 Symposium Posters

Posters > 2015

A Tool For Interactive Visual Threat Analytics and Intelligence, based on OpenSOC Framework


Project Members
Lourdes Gino D, Dheeraj Gurugubelli and Dr. Marcus Rogers
Cyber Threat Intelligence is a booming area in the field of Information Security that deals with aggregation, processing, evaluation and reporting of reliable information in real-time pertaining to threats posed on the cyber world that encompasses computers, smartphone, tablets and any device that’s connected to the Internet. The imminent need for threat intelligence is growing rapidly as the data flowing through the cyber world is growing gargantuan and as we are moving towards Internet of Things where almost any thing is connected to the Internet. Visual Threat Intelligence takes the threat intelligence to the next step where the data is presented in a human-perceivable way so as to help in making right and quick decisions to avert the cyber threat. The OpenSOC framework provides a unified platform for ingest, storage and analytics. The purpose of this research is to build a open-source visual threat intelligence tool based on the OpenSOC framework built over the Hadoop framework.