2015 Symposium Posters

Posters > 2015

Malware Defense with Access Control Policy and Integrity Levels


Project Members
Nicole Hands, Harish Kumaravel
With the persistent threat of cyber attacks of many, ever-changing forms, the need for computer systems to have a comprehensive protection schema that can provide security against unknown, known, and polymorphic threats becomes apparent. Working under the premise that compromise is inevitable, the system should be able to detect that it has been compromised and respond in such a way that functionality degrades incrementally. This study represents a synthesis of multiple fields of research from integrity levels of operation to malware detection methods to access control policy. The system function of FTP will be used as a model and broken down into discrete computational units which will each be assigned attributes from which access control policy can be created. Upon change in the state of the attribute based on the premise that this change was caused by malware infection, the system would respond by lowering its integrity level, with processes continuing to function under modified rules. Preliminary work from the study will be presented.