WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. —A private company that measures faculty productivity has ranked Purdue’s Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Technology the top program in information security among universities in the nation.
Academic Analytics LLC, which is partially funded by the State University of New York at Stony Brook, ranks faculty members’ scholarly output in 8,182 doctoral programs at 387 of the nation’s universities. Its report on the Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index identified 11 faculty affiliated with Purdue’s center — also called CERIAS — for their productivity.
Eugene Spafford, executive director of CERIAS and professor of Computer Science at Purdue University remarked, “It’s always nice when your work is recognized. CERIAS was formed a decade ago to address the issues of infosec through multidiscipline research and education. We have 70 faculty and 100 graduate students, across 17 academic departments, who are doing innovative work within the field. We’re very pleased that the report cited work by CERIAS faculty in eight different academic departments of study as the issues of infosec are not limited to computer science and engineering alone.”
The CERIAS faculty members identified in the Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index are Mike Atallah (Computer Science), Elisa Bertino (Computer Science), Josh Boyd (Communication), Melissa Dark (Computer and Information Technology), Fariborz Farahmand (CERIAS), Karthik Kannan (Economics), Robert Proctor (Psychology), Victor Raskin (Linguistics), Jackie Rees (Management Information Systems), Marc Rogers (Computer and Information Technology), and Jan Vitek (Computer Science).
Computing oriented programs at Purdue University were also recognized with top ten ranking in the research classifications of Information Technology/Information Systems (2nd), Computational Sciences (5th), Engineering/General (6th), Engineering/Electrical (10th).
The Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index, partly financed by the State University of New York at Stony Brook and published by Academic Analytics, a private company, ranks faculty members’ scholarly output at 8,182 doctoral programs at 387 of the nation’s universities. More information is available at the Academic Analytics website.
CERIAS is the world’s largest multidisciplinary academic center addressing the issues of information security, assurance and privacy. It was founded in 1998 with the vision of assembling a team of world-class faculty, graduate student researchers and industrial partners who shared a goal of advancing the state of cyber security through basic and applied research. CERIAS serves as an unbiased resource of information for the world-wide community.
Academic Analytics’s Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index™ uses a quantitative method for ranking doctoral programs at research universities, based on a set of statistical algorithms. The index measures the scholarly productivity of faculty using their book and journal publications, journal article citations, federally-funded research grants, and honorific awards.
Dr. Eugene Spafford, Executive Director, CERIAS, (765) 494-7805
Randy Bond, Managing Director, CERIAS, (765) 494-2248
Joel Rasmus, Manager of Corporate Relations, CERIAS, (765) 494-7806