Principal Investigator: Athula Kulatunga
Value-added services for individual devices in the BEV eco-system are possible when cloud-based services are used. Fault detection of electric drive motors to the power needed by a specific charging station in the charging infrastructure brings many operational and economic benefits. Building application-specific IoT platforms from the ground up, with the ability to integrated fault detection algorithms and machine learning capabilities in the edge devices, reduce the cost. Commercial cloud services can cost prohibitive when frequent access and duplication increase. The current research builds upon the lessons learned through developing hardware infrastructure for Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) security key management research in Smart Grids. The main focus is on building robust, secured, smart decision making physical infrastructure that subscribe/publish via low-cost channels to custom build IoT platforms. The cyber-physical system design encompasses improving collective system efficiency as well. Other possibilities include developing cyber-physical systems capable of meeting the maturity levels of various Industry 4.0 standards. A symposium was held in fall 2019 for gap analysis of Industry 4.0 and IoT platforms.
Other PIs: Dr. Daniel Sampaio, UNESP, Sao Paqulo, Brazil Dr. Uditha S. Navaratne, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Dr. Ajith Wijenayake, Senior Manager, HV Electronics, E-Motors and Charging Sys, Electrified Powertrain Propulsion Systems, Fiat-Chrysler Automobiles
Keywords: custom IoT platforms, Edge Devices, LoRa