Dr. Lance J. Hoffman is Distinguished Research Professor of Computer Science at The George Washington University in Washington, D. C., where he is in charge of the computer security graduate program in computer science. The author or editor of five books and numerous articles on computer security and privacy, he founded the School of Engineering's Cyberspace Policy Institute.
His career in security and privacy started in 1963 when we walked through a computer or two in California. In 1970, he instituted what may have been the first regularly offered graduate course in computer security at the University of California, Berkeley.
His research interests include privacy policies and intellectual property questions for electronic commerce, and his recent teaching innovations include multidisciplinary courses on electronic commerce and information warfare and the development of a portable electronic network for teaching computer security.
A Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery and a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Dr. Hoffman has served on a number of Advisory Committees including those of the Center for Democracy and Technology, IBM, the Federal Trade Commission, Riptech (now Symantec), and the ACM Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy.
Carl Landwehr joined NSF on October 15, 2001, as Program Director for the newly established Trusted Computing program. He is an IPA from Mitretek Systems, where he is Senior Fellow in the Security and Privacy Technical Center. Prior to joining Mitretek, Landwehr headed the Computer Security Section of the Center for High Assurance Computer Systems at the Naval Research Laboratory for many years, where he led a variety of research projects to advance technologies of computer security and high-assurance systems. He also has served on the computer science faculty at Purdue University, and has taught courses on topics in computer science and information security at Georgetown, the University of Maryland, and Virginia Tech. Landwehr earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering and Applied Science from Yale University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer and Communication Sciences from the University of Michigan.
Dr. Landwehr has served on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, the Journal of Computer Security, and the High Integrity Systems Journal. He was the founding chair of IFIP Working Group 11.3 on Database Security, and has chaired the IEEE Technical Committee on Security and Privacy. IFIP has awarded him its Silver Core, and the IEEE Computer Society has awarded him its Golden Core. His current research interests include information security and dependable systems.
- Special Assistant to The President; Acting Chair, President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board, Special Advisor to the President for CyberSpace Security
- Former Chief Security Officer, Microsoft
- Former Supervisory Special Agent, Director AF Computer Forensic Lab & Computer Crime & Information Warfare Division, AF Office of Special Investigation
- Trained thousands of Law Enforcement Offices including FBI, DEA, Secret Service, NATO, State and Local, etc.
- Approximately 31 years public service, including 11 years as a police officer and 7 in the USAF serving 3 tours in Southeast Asia,
- Has served as:
- International President of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA)
- First President of the IT-ISAC (Information Sharing Analysis Center)
- Executive Board Member of the International Organization of Computer Evidence
- Professor of Forensic Computing, University of New Haven
- Member of:
- International Association of Chiefs of Police
- American Academy of Forensic Scientists
- Testified as expert witness in federal, state and military courts
- Currently Special Agent, Computer Crime Investigations Unit, HQ's US Army Criminal Investigations Command (Reserves)
- One of the pioneers in the field of computer forensics
- Ham radio operator and private pilot
- Bachelor Science, Business Administration
- Masters of Arts, Organizational Management